21st Century Programming--Stop that Thief!

Theft occurs in a number of ways at a recycling facility, and 21st Century Programming offers easy-to-use solutions that prevent many of them.

The company’s software is designed to ensure proper cash management at the scale house, providing detailed counts and extensive audit reports, offering a critical internal loss prevention solution.

Automated teller machines (ATMs) custom designed for the recycling industry are another option that provides an innovative security and loss-prevention solution. They remove all cash handling as money service providers handle the cash.

Stop Employee Theft

The camera system ensures that what the transaction
report lists as being purchased is actually what has been purchased. It also captures images of your customers being paid for their scrap.

The scale system tracks weight entries and prevents manual weight entries, keeping your scale operator honest.

Audit reports track who made out tickets and purchases and shows when they are edited, tracking manipulation after the fact and preventing theft.

Stop Customer Theft

21st Century’s camera system at the scale house captures "foot-on-the-scale" or "tire-off-the-scale" antics that can allow customers to get away with fraud.

That's All?

A comparison of the 21st Century Programming ATM and one offered by a competing firm reveals several
key differences.

The 21st Century ATM is smaller, less expensive and is directly integrated with the rest of your company’s operations software.

Where the competition uses a generic, non-customizable ATM format, the 21st Century ATM can be customized to match a recycler’s business.

The same camera system will record and store payment transactions, cutting off attempts by those trying to receive double payments. Pictures taken by a 21st Century ATM machine in Indiana have successfully been used by police there to solve crimes.

The use of ATMs eliminates the threat of hold-ups while still allowing customers to deal in cash rather than checks. The sturdy ATMs deployed by 21st Century Programming are fully alarmed and U.L.-approved.

If missing bins and containers have been a problem, ROM keeps tabs on all containers, helping to ensure that your containers (and your material) don’t end up at your competitor’s facility. ROM also offers innovative route management software, including the ability to track when containers are moved.

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