21st Century Programming--Shipping Out

Recycling Operations Manager (ROM) is so well designed it does not stop at the shipping dock door. It continues to track profits that can be won or lost after material is shipped by tracking freight charges, inspections and the entire transaction through receipt of payment.

Not all recycling software has been designed to fully track order position management concerns. ROM delivers solutions to order position management challenges out of the box or through customized solutions.

Recycling Operations Manager (ROM) gives traders a clear, quick picture of inventory in hand versus what has been committed for sale. When traders understand which sales orders are tied to which purchase orders, they know immediately how much material to buy or sell.

This same order position clarity means operations employees in the yard know which material is being used to fill specific orders. "We have such better control now of what we’re doing here thanks to the ROM system," says Brian Giordano of Giordano’s Vineland Scrap. "We know instantly what we have tagged and in inventory, and we can use the information to provide instant reports."

The inventory control data is point-of-scale ticket-based, meaning inventory levels are updated as soon as something is received or shipped. Additionally, ROM ties together inventory from multiple locations for recyclers operating more than one plant.

After you’ve collected and processed material correctly, don’t lose your profit because of shipping errors. Go the full distance with 21st Century Programming

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