In Their Jeans

At a Glance

Company: Bonded Logic

Principals: James Kean, founder;
Tod Kean, managing partner

Location: Chandler, Ariz.

Year Established: 1996


Services Provided: Bonded Logic manufactures UltraTouch™Denim Insulation, a “green and sustainable” insulation that is sourced entirely of post-consumer blue jeans. The company also produces acoustical panels, consumer appliance insulation, automotive/RV insulation and radiant barrier products. In addition to standard insulation, Bonded Logic also produces institutional mattress products.

Bonded Logic, based in Chandler, Ariz., was formed in 1996. Its sister company, United Fibers, also based in Chandler, had been producing cellulose insulation for nearly 30 years. Bonded Logic began seeking to create a solid batt product that served another segment of the market. In keeping with the company’s philosophy, the new product had to be derived from a recycled source and treated with the same environmentally friendly fire-retardent that was used on the cellulose. Through a period of R&D, it was determined that there was a large supply of textile waste, of which denim was the most prevalent. Through continued research, Bonded Logic engineered a process to treat the recycled denim fibers for fire retardancy/mold inhibition and thermally bond them together to create UltraTouchTM Denim Insulation. The product was introduced in 2001.

The company works with several textile recycling partners and currently diverts more than 300 tons of textiles from landfills.

A denim drive partnership with Cotton Inc. called Cotton. From Blue to Green.® supplies the company’s philanthropic efforts. Since 2006, through this program donated denim is given new life by converting it to UltraTouch Denim Insulation and provided free to communities in need to assist with building efforts, including Habitat for Humanity and Hurricane Katrina rebuild efforts.

Several factors make Bonded Logic stand out from its competitors, according to the company:
•    Bonded Logic’s 90 percent post-consumer recycled content is an industry leader.
•    UltraTouch Denim Insulation is a green and sustainable insulation product that is free of harsh chemicals. The        insulation has been tested and shows no volatile organic compounds (VOC) within the product or off-gassing concerns.
•    Users can earn up to 12 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) credits by incorporating UltraTouch Denim Insulation in their building projects.

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