Beyond Logistics

At A Glance
Company: Consolidated Logistics Inc.           

: President Angelika Kluna and CEO David Mendez

: San Antonio

Number of Employees: 29

Year Established: 2003


Services Provided: Solutions for the disposition of wireless and consumer electronic products by reducing waste and extending the utility of component materials through investment recovery, reverse logistics and recycling

Since Angelika Kluna and David Mendez formed Consolidated Logistics Inc. (CLI) in 2003, the electronics recycling industry has changed considerably. A number of states have introduced legislation governing the recycling of end-of-life-electronics, industry certification programs have been introduced, consolidation continues among service providers and recovery technology continues to evolve. One thing hasn’t changed, however, and that’s the importance of logistics in the management of discarded electronic devices.

The company operates a 10,000-square-foot processing facility in San Antonio, with an additional 10,000 square feet available for expansion. Here, CLI specializes in the disposition of wireless devices and accessories with a goal of achieving the greatest value for its clients through component recovery and re-use, reverse logistics and recycling, with the ultimate goal of reducing waste from end-of-life electronics.

According to Kluna, in 2010 CLI sold for re-use more than 7.5 million batteries, in excess of 159,000 accessories and nearly 21,800 handsets and components. The company’s leadership team has more than 50 years of combined experience in the wireless industry. “With our experience in the industry, we can maximize re-use on wireless products and accessories,” Kluna says.

CLI also recycled 66,923 pounds of consumer electronics and packaging in 2010.

Kluna offers her take on what makes CLI stand out:

Q: What makes you different from your competitors?
A: We are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified; we provide complete disposition reporting; we offer serialized tracking; we offer in-house physical destruction; [and] we guarantee zero-waste processing by auditing our recyclers.  

Q: What is your business philosophy?
A: Fulfilling customer expectations by providing complete solutions with integrity and perseverance.

Q: Where do you see your company five years from now?
A: In the electronics industry, innovations change what the future holds every day. As an industry leader, CLI will continue to evolve our products, processes and performance to extend product lifecycles through re-use and recycling.

“With our experience in the industry, we can maximize re-use on wireless products and accessories.”
– Angelika Kluna

May 2011
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