BIN There

Recycling Today Media Group Contributing Editor Curt Harler counts travel among his many hobbies, which also include hiking, caving and mountaineering.

Recycling Today Media Group Contributing Editor Curt Harler counts travel among his many hobbies, which also include hiking, caving and mountaineering.

Naturally, Harler’s camera is a companion on many of his excursions, documenting the many sights he sees. Among the scenes that Harler has captured with his camera are recycling containers he’s encountered. The photos presented here were taken during his travels in the last four years and serve to remind us that no matter where we may go, familiar sights are still there to greet us.

1. Recycling containers at London Heathrow Airport are labeled to aid in sorting, with paper collected separately from cans and plastic containers. 2. In Vienna containers remind pedestrians to sort their glass—clear or colored—when recycling. 3. A plastic bottle teeters on the brink in a Denver hotel room. 4. A “paper tiger” reminds residents of Salzburg, Austria, to recycle their paper. Newspapers, brochures, writing paper and magazines are all welcome. 5. In Puerto Montt, Chile, a container encourages people to recycle their glass to help a charity that benefits burned children. 6. Containers at San Francisco International Airport feature openings designed to aid in sorting.


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