<B>Survey Finds Recycling Managers Favor 'Producer Responsibility' </B>

More than 90% of recycling managers responding to an annual survey indicated they favor some form of ``producer responsibility'' in the United States. according to the State Recycling Laws Update Year-End Edition 2000. The survey was published by Raymond Communications, Inc.

Of the 42 states responding to the survey, 27 of 29 favored the idea. The survey results, as well as an updated version of 32 issue summaries and a complete 50-state wrap of existing laws are in the new SRLU Year-End Edition 2000.

The SRLU survey also showed the vast majority of recycling managers are concerned about electronics waste. While only a few states have any strategy to deal with the issue, eight indicated they expect legislation within three years.

Almost half - 16 - indicated that there should either be EPR legislation, advance disposal fees, or some other policy aimed at ensuring manufacturers do their part. Most responses reflected a concern that there is a financing gap on electronics recovery that must be addressed in some way.

The Edition covers packaging mandates, container deposits, recycled content laws, green labeling, resin coding, landfill bans, heavy metals bans, tax incentives, purchasing preferences for recycled products, flow control of trash, durable goods recycling and composting.

The report also features nine tables of laws covering the U.S. and Canada.

A few highlights:

About six states amended their comprehensive recycling laws, though only Maryland changed its recycling goal.

Six states amended their packaging laws, with California expanding its deposit system.

Five states amended or enacted purchasing preference laws - Idaho passed a new one.

While no states amended their tax incentive laws, many have expired, so there are only 20 states left with such laws.

Three states enacted or amended heavy metals bans in products, with New Hampshire passing a major ban on mercury in products.

The 130-page report is available by itself, or it is free with a new subscription to SRLU, a monthly newsletter

More information on the State Recycling Laws Update may be obtained by contacting the company 301/345-4237, or accessing the web site at www.raymond.com.
September 2000
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