<b>Rhode Island City Joins Aggressive Recycling Program</b>

The city of Lincoln, R.I., is joining the state of Rhode Island’s Maximum Recycling Program. The goal is for the city to double the amount of material that they collect for recycling.

According to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, Last year, Lincoln recycled 1,412 tons of its waste and landfilled 8,299 tons, which means its recycling rate is 15%

Last month each household received a free green recycling bin for their paper recyclables. Residents of the city will continue to use their blue bins for plastic, glass and metal recyclables. In their new green bin, residents should place all assorted, clean paper. Common examples are newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail and envelopes, shredded paper, paperback books, wrapping paper and greeting cards, and thin cardboard such as cereal boxes and shoe boxes.

Corrugated cardboard is a new recyclable. It must be flattened in order to fit in the recycling truck. If small enough, boxes can be placed in the green bin. If the boxes are large, they must be flattened into 3' by 3' bundles and tied with string.

Also, clothing, fabric and shoes are now recyclable. Anything made of cloth, such as clothing, towels, linens, curtains, and rags can be recycled. The same is true for all shoes and sneakers, except women's high heels. Just place the items in a plastic shopping bag and "burp" the air out. Mark the bag, "clothing" and put it with the green bin.

Also new for recycling collection are #2 plastic bottles and jugs, drink cartons and juice boxes, and assorted scrap metal. Common examples of the new recyclables are: laundry detergent bottles, bleach bottles, milk cartons, juice boxes, wire hangers, latex paint cans, steel aerosol cans, and shampoo bottles. Residents should add these materials to their blue bins and continue to recycle #1 plastic jugs, aluminum cans, and glass food and beverage bottles and jars.

April 2001
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