<B>Paper Listings Now Online</b>

More than 500 papers with recycled, tree free or chlorine free content is now available at Conservatree.com from Conservatree in the Guide to Environmentally Sound Printing and Writing Papers. The comprehensive listing includes environmental printing and writing papers available in the United States and Canada.

Conservatree, San Francisco, executive director Susan Kinsella says interest in the listing stemmed from lack of education on purchasing recycled content paper. “We’ve been hearing from a lot of purchasers the past several years would be interested in switching to recycled paper but don’t know where to get it,” she says. “What we’ve seen is the market is slipping in part because people don’t know what is available or where to get them or there is a fair amount of misinformation.”

One common misconception Kinsella has seen is people think recycled content paper is more expensive or doesn’t work as well, when often, they are comparing different grades of paper for prices or are using the wrong paper for the job. She says recycled content paper can be the same as virgin stock paper, if the right grade is used in the application.

December 2000
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