<b>North American Scrap Metals Directory Available</B>

The 2001 edition of the North American Scrap Metals Directory, published by the Recycling Today Media Group, Cleveland, is now available for $88.50.

The directory includes a comprehensive listing of more than 8,900 scrap metal dealers and processors in North America. Listing information includes company name, address, phone, fax, Web site, e-mail address, company contacts and materials handled. Dealers are listed under appropriate state and city headings and also in an alphabetical index. Also included is an equipment and services section.

Considered to be the most comprehensive directory of its kind, and is also available on CD-ROM for $385. Volume discounts are also available.

Copies can be ordered by contact Lori Skala at (800) 456-0707, ext. 201 or by e-mailing to lskala@gie.net.

January 2001
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