<B>Conference Meetings Announced</B>

The Paper Stock Industries Chapter of ISRI will hold its summer meeting during the Paper Recycling 2000 show in Atlanta June 25-27. The Paper Recycling show, presented by the Recycling Today Media Group, has put together an excellent program covering many of the most up-to-date topics affecting the paper recycling industry.

The PSI meeting will be held June 27, from 1-4 PM. A Chapter meeting will be held from 1-2 PM; the Membership Committee meets from 2-2:30; the Government Affairs Committee, 2:30-3 PM; and the Standards and Practices Committee, 3-4 PM.

More information on attending the PSI meeting may be obtained by contacting Nini Krever, PSI president, at (561) 627-9191. For information on attending the Paper Recycling 2000 show contact Maria Miller at (216) 961-4130.

The Arizona Recycling Coalition is hosting their Inaugural Conference and Trade Show May 15-16 in Phoenix. Sessions will include tracks on tire management, organics processing, institutional recycling, and community recycling.

To find out about the conference, check out the web page at www.azrc.com.

The Northeast Resource Recovery Association will hold its 19th Annual R2K Conference & Exposition June 12-14 in Burlington, Vt.

The conference will have a number of different sessions, as well as tours and education sessions covering a wide range of opportunities and challenges for the recycling industry.

More information on the conference may be obtained by contacting the NRRA at P.O. Box 721, Concord, NJ 03302-0721. Tel. (603) 224-6996, fax (603) 226-4466.

The 11th Annual Colorado Recycling Summit will be held June 14 near Denver. Registration fees are $85 before June 7. Display tables are $90 before June 7. For more information contact Jim Johnson at (303) 443-6567.

April 2000
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