<B>Canadian Paper Companies Taking Part in Fundraiser</B>

style='font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>Canada's paper industry is participating in an environmental fashions fundraiser by the Recycling Council of Ontario to remind Canadians that the industry needs, uses and wants old paper. The "ReVamp" fashion show celebrates recycled and environmentally-friendly fashions - including those made from paper.
"Canada's pulp and paper industry is a big proponent of paper recycling whether it's being used to make a fashion statement or to make new paper products," said Sylvie St. Laurent, Director, Communications Programs at the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association. "While ReVamp is a fun event for the CPPA, we are also here to underline our strong support for community and corporate recycling efforts across Canada. We want recycled paper, we need recycled paper and we use recycled paper."

This year promises to be a banner year for recycled paper as consumption of recyclable paper by Canadian pulp and paper mills is up 3 per cent for the first eight months of 2000, compared with the same period last year. L:ast year was a record year for recycling in Canada as Canadian mills transformed 5.2 million metric tons (an increase of 370,000 metric tons over the previous year) of old newspapers, magazines, corrugated containers, communication papers, boxboard and other grades of paper into new paper and board products.

October 2000
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