<B>BIR to Have Key Speaker at Fall Program</B>

The Paper Division meeting to be held during the Bureau of International Recycling meeting Nov. 6th fall conference will touch on the importance of recovered paper as a secondary raw material. The presentation will be given by Georg Holzhey, managing director of Haindl Papier GmbH & Co., one of the largest privately owned paper companies in the world.

The company has four production sites in Germany, one in the Netherlands and one in Austria.

In his presentation, Holzhey will focus on the importance of recovered paper as a raw material for the paper industry. The percentage of the material in the raw material mix has been continuously increasing over the past several years.

The trend is likely to continue if, according to his assessment, certain requirements are fulfilled, including: recovered paper must not be considered waste; recovered paper must fulfill the individual quality requirements of the consumers within the highly differentiated paper industry; recovered paper as a raw material has to follow a more predictable price development as the end products paper and board ar aiming for a stable price situation.

In addition to Holzhey's presentation the Paper Meeting will have worldwide market reports from the division's board members.

October 2000
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