** International Trading Supplement -- International Recycling Associations

Battery Council International. 401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. Ph: (312) 644-6610. Fax: (312) 321-6869. Web site: batterycouncil.org. E-mail: info@batterycouncil.org. Ronald M. Pogue, President. Promotes the recycling of spent lead-acid batteries and the use of recycled materials in the production of new batteries. As part of this endeavor, the organization collects statistical data to provide the annual recycling rate of lead-acid batteries.

British Secondary Metals Association. Sandford Court, 21 Sandford St., Lichfield, Staffordshire, England WS13 6QA. Ph: 01543 255450. Fax: 01543 255325. Web site: BSMA.org.uk.  E-mail: KayBSMA@aol.com.

Bureau of International Recycling (BIR). Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles. Ph: (026) 275-770. Fax: (026) 275-773. Web site: www.bir.org. E-mail: bir@bir.org. Francis Veys, Director General. The international federation of trades and industrialists involved in the recovery and recycling of materials. Its primary goal is to promote recycling and the recyclability of products.

Canadian Association of Recycling Industries (CARI). 862 Monarch Ave., Unit 11, Ajax, Ontario, LIS45. Ph: (905) 426-9313. Fax: (905) 426-9314. Web site: cari-acir.org. E-mail: donna.turner@ cari@on.aibn.com. Donna Turner, Manager. The fundamental purpose and mission CARI is to promote the optimal net economic and social impact from commercial recycling activities.

Canadian Pulp and Paper Association (CPPA). Sunlife Bldg. 1155, Rue Metcalf, 19th Floor, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 4T6. Ph: (514) 866-6621. Fax: (514) 866-3035. David Church. A national association of pulp and paper producers. Its membership accounts for the majority of the pulp and paper produced in Canada. Its chief function is to enhance industry leadership and provide service for its members on matters of common interest.

CEMPRE. Rua Pedrosa Alvarenga 1254/52, 04531-004 Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil. Ph: (550) 118-5252. Fax: (550) 118-5252. Web site: cempre.org.br/direita.htm. E-mail: cempre@ cempre.org.br. Cempre is the Brazilian recycling association.

China Iron & Steel Association. Beijing Dong Si Xi Da Jie No. 46, China 100711. Ph: 86­10­65133322­1146. Fax: 86­10­65228497. Web site: www.chinaesteel.com. E-mail: info@cisa.org.cn. A national, nonprofit organization consisting of China’s steel enterprises, institutions, societies and individuals in the iron and steel industry.

Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI). 250 Avenue Louise, Box 80, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. Ph: +32 2 627 4911. Fax: +32 2 646 8137. Web site: cepi.org. E-mail: c.carlisle@cepi.org.

CEPI is a nonprofit organization representing 19 member countries and, through its member countries, some 1,000 pulp, paper and board-producing companies across Europe, from small and medium-sized enterprises to multinationals.

Confederation of Paper Industries (Recovered Paper Sector). Papermakers House, Rivenhall Rd., Westlea, Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7BD, England. Ph: 01793 889624. Fax: 01793 886182. Web site: recycledpaper.org.uk. Promotes, protects and enhances the interests and stature of the United Kingdom recovered paper collection and processing industry and its members.

European Plastics Recyclers (EuPR). Avenue de Cortenbergh 66, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Ph: (32) 0 2-732-41-24. Fax: (32) 0 2-739-63-77. Website: http://www.eupr.org. Email: eupr@skynet.be. The professional representative body for plastics recyclers and suppliers of plastics recyclates in Europe seeking to promote plastics recycling and to create conditions that enable profitable and sustainable business for the plastics recycling industry.

European Recovered Paper Association. ERPA C/O BIR, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 24, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. Ph: 32 2 627 57 70. Fax: 32 2 627 57 73. Web site: erpa.info. E-mail: bir.sec@skynet.be. Promotes the use and international trade of recovered paper for further production of recycled paper and cardboard.

European Tyre Recycling Association. 7 Rue Leroux, Paris, France 75116. Ph: Fax: Valerie Shulman.

Gold Institute, The. 1112 16th St. SW, Suite 240, Washington, DC 20036. Ph: (202) 835-0185. Fax: (202) 835-0155. Web site: www. goldinstitute.org. John Lutley, President. An international association that seeks to promote the common business intrests of the gold industry by providing information and speaking for the industry.

International Association of Electronics Recyclers (IAER). PO Box 16222, Albany, NY 12212. Ph: (888) 989-4237. Fax: (887) 989-4237. Web site: iaer.org. E-mail: info@iaer.org. Peter Muscanelli. Provides a vehicle to serve the intrests and needs of electronic recyclers and related organizations.

International Molded Pulp Enviromental Packaging Association. 1425 W Mequon Rd., Suite C, Mequon, WI 53092. Ph: (262) 241-0522. Fax: (262) 241-3766. Web site: imepa.org. E-mail: info@imepa.org. Joseph Grygny. Acts as an information center for the molded pulp industry with worldwide membership of users and manufacturers of molded pulp products as well as research and packaging organizations.

International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI). 4400 Bayou Blvd., Suite 18, Pensacola, FL 32503. Ph: (850) 476-1156. Fax: (850) 476-1548. Web site: ipmi.org. E-mail: mail@ipmi.org. Larry Manziek, ED. An international association that was formed to provide a forum for the exchange of information and technology and to seek and promote the efficient reuse of precious metals.

Instituto Nacional de Recicladores AC (INARE). Fray Servando, Teresa de Mier No.4 Int.3, Col. Jardín Balbuena, Delg., Venustiano Carranza, C.P. 15900, México, Distrito Federal. Ph: 0155-57 84 12 79 Fax: 0155-57 85 91 60. Web site: inare.org.mx. E-mail: margarita@inare.org.mx. Promotes recycling by keeping its members up to date on new technologies, equipment and regulations and by developing new markets and business opportunities in the industry.

Metallurgical Council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (MC-CCPIT). 46 Dongsi Xidajie, Beijing 100711, P.R.China. Ph: 86-10-65220753. Fax: 86-10-65233861. Web site: www.metallurgy-china.com. E-Mail: mail@ metallurgy-china.com. Ruby Ma, Wang Baojing.

Motor Vehicle Dismantlers’ Association. Suite 3, 21 Sandford St., Lichfield, Staffs WS13 6QA, England. Ph: 01543 254254. Fax: 01543 254274. Web site: mvda.org.uk. E-mail: enquiries@mvda.org.uk.

The trade association representing the interests of vehicle dismantlers and their customers throughout the UK and Ireland.

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National Federation of Demolition Contractors Ltd.. Resurgam House, 1A New Rd., The Causeway, Staines, Middlesex TW18 3DH, England. Ph: 01784 456799. Fax: 01784 461118. Web site: demolition-nfdc.com. E-mail: info@demolition-nfdc.com. The voice of the U.K. demolition industry.

Oil Recycling Association, The. 74 Ack Lane East, Bramall, Stockport SK7 2BH, England. Ph: 0161 439 7589. Fax: 0161 439 7589. E-mail: ORA@cwcom.net.

Paper Recycling Association (PRA), Pulp and Paper Products Council. 1200 McGill College Ave., Suite 800, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3B 4G7. Ph: (514) 861-8828. Fax: (514) 866-4863. Web site: www.pppc.org. E-mail: general@pppc.org. Represents Canadian paper mills that consume recovered paper and board in the manufacture of newsprint, containerboard, boxboard and many other papers and boards.

RECOUP (Recycling of Used Plastic Ltd.). 9 Metro Centre, Welbeck Way, Woodston, Peterborough PE2 7WH, England. Ph: 01733 390021. Fax: 01733 390031. Web site: recoup.org. E-mail: enquiry@recoup.org. The national charity developing plastics recycling in the United Kingdom, promoting best practices and providing educational and training tools.

Silver Institute, The. 1112 16th St. NW, Suite 240, Washington, DC 20036. Ph: (202) 835-0185. Fax: (202) 835-0155. Web site: silverinstitute.org. Paul Bateman. A nonprofit international association that draws its membership from across the breadth of the silver industry.

Southeast Asia Iron & Steel Institute. PO Box 7094, 40702 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Ph: (603) 5519 1102. Fax: (603) 5519 1159. Web site: www.seaisi.org/index.htm. E-mail: seaisi@seaisi.org. A professional technical institute representing the iron and steel industries in South East Asia incorporated in 1971 under the auspices of the UN.

Technical Assoc. of the Pulp & Paper Industry.

PO Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348. Ph: (770) 446-1400. Fax: (770) 446-6947. Web site: Tappi.org. E-mail: memberconnect@tappi.org. Wayne Gross. The leading technical association for the worldwide pulp, paper and converting industry.

Used Building Materials Association. 1096 Queen St., Suite 126, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2R9. Ph: (877) 221-UBMA. Fax: (902) 425-6795. A nonprofit, membership-based organization that represents companies and organizations involved in the acquisition and/or redistribution of used building materials.

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